Homo Homini Lupus Est
Good deal I guess. But I’d never pay so much for sugared, colored bubble-water (or take it for free) 😁
Go die in a forest-fire you evil something!
I applaud the effort, but basing a “buy-european” app on google (of all evil things possible, you chose the apocalyptic riders of the interwebz) seems kinda… I dunno?
But I should shut up, as I can’t offer any European ai with an API.
Oh i missed that. thanks. So it’s planned. kinda. Great :-)
Bandwagon looks cool, but do they have a feature to pay artists like bandcamp? Or even a “name your price (aka quasi free)”?
It is the inherent unfairness in global markets. Companies are more than allowed to exploit differences, while customers sure mustn’t. Like paying less in Russian steam e.g. instead of paying more in German steam.
Which should be forbidden by law everywhere. If companies can charge us based on average wealth per country, why can’t we shop based on average savings per country?
Like it was before steam noticed they’re loosing potential income. And with it also died the excellent tradeable inventory-gift system…