Thank you! This makes the most sense. I was wondering what was wrong with “please pull forward when done fueling” without threatening violence. A common annoyance plus and inside joke makes a lot more sense.
Thank you! This makes the most sense. I was wondering what was wrong with “please pull forward when done fueling” without threatening violence. A common annoyance plus and inside joke makes a lot more sense.
I honestly thought this was The Onion.
“Pull forward after fueling or get shot”?
I was one of the American military who had access to classified information. I knew better than this. I’ve worked with enlisted members as young as 19 or 20 years old who knew better than this. When the head of the DoD, the National Security Advisor, Director of the CIA, the Vice President, and the Director of National Intelligence do this, it’s not because they don’t know better. It’s because they’re trying to hide their communications in violation of the Presidential Records Act, and they know full well what they’re doing is wrong. ETA: And they also compromised a military operation putting the lives of American soldiers at risk, which would land me or any of my enlisted colleagues in Fort Leavenworth for an extended stay, so there’s that.
Well, finally. It took nearly a year for US news outlets to call Trump a liar for lying. Maybe it will take less time for Democrats to call a degenerate drunk a drunk.
That was my first thought. I’m glad to see that the horseshoe up Trump’s ass doesn’t have unlimited uses.
I had to get mine replaced to get a passport. That was ten years ago, and the passport just expired. I’ve got 9 replacements left and I just turned 60, so I think I’m good.
Probably just an ingenious ploy to produce clean energy from the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves.
And all it took for Republicans to get on board was the threat of primaries funded by Trump’s multi-billionaire buddy.
There are two people water-walking without balloons behind the two women on the left. Time travelers? Aliens? The JFK assassins? We deserve the truth!