I never follow celebrities and only recognized one person on the entire cast, so yeah I went into that very blind lol
I never follow celebrities and only recognized one person on the entire cast, so yeah I went into that very blind lol
So iirc one of the actors came out as trans during the filming of the later seasons, and rather than force him to keep playing a woman they worked it into the show. I was personally a little startled cuz it happened with no foreshadowing and wasn’t strictly necessary for any of the plots, so at first I thought it was one of those rainbow capitalism token LGBTQ+ characters by writers that don’t know or care to find out what the character’s demographic is really like or goes thru. Felt a little bit patronizing and gross at first, so I can see why people might have been miffed.
Knowing the context with the actor tho, the fact that the trans plot line is a little rushed and sloppy is very forgivable imo, and I think they did the right thing even if the show’s perceived quality might have suffered a little for it.
I haven’t really read a lot of reviews of it to know for sure if that’s the part people complained about, but if it is then imo you shouldn’t let the complaints scare you off the show.
Umbrella academy, banger of a show
The fediverse’s first mass spammer, who’s been in everyone’s DMs (except ours, apparently) with the photo in OP’s pic. She’s become the new beans meme on lemmy
It’s a really shitty decision but I’d probably go for the shattered plains pre-Alethi, I absolutely love the vibes of the chasms and exploring with esshondai sounds fun. Just gotta remember to gtfo before dalinar shows up for the second time and hope I don’t get murked by a salty ancestor looking for a meat suit
This is hilarious, but serious answer some dogs will lick their paws raw and bloody even while you’re treating the original problem so asking them not to is sometimes necessary
Just to add to this, air at different temperatures and moisture levels bends light to different degrees, which is why the layers and pockets of air that form our atmosphere make stars shimmer. It’s partially why astronomers are so eager to get telescopes into space (like Hubble and the James Webb), since the lack of this effect lets them resolve much smaller light sources than you could hope to beneath the atmosphere.