Steam’s primary platform is Linux wdym
Steam’s primary platform is Linux wdym
Isn’t firmware flashed with JTAG or from bios from a pendrive?
Wsl is a piece of joke, like seriously why. If you want an actual linux, install it on bare metal. If you want to try out, then virtualbox. If you need a good integration with the system with native performance, Termux. WSL works with hyperv which is hard to set up and breaks all the time, plus you are forced to use microsoft’s kernel which is riddled with who knows what. Plus wsl consumes insane amount of space. I don’t think we really need this to windows, it was just a desperate attempt from microsoft to get sympathy from Linux users, but they didn’t convice me with this trashpile
I agree, dualboot is something you shouldn’t even attempt between linux and windows on the same drive. With some time, one, or both systems will totally break
For audio editing, you don’t need windows, neither linux, that’s still the best on mac, but you need to be filthy rich
Only thing are my files, that are pretty tricky to transfer securely while maintaining compatibility (i dualboot)
another great day of not being an american
Hackintosh is still an optiom