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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024

  • sp3ctr4l@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlFreddy Krueger VS Glock
    1 day ago

    I haven’t had a dream I remembered in years, but I do distinctly remember a dream I had as a kid.

    Some… Dr Suess book? Features basically an animated, living pair of pants.

    The night after I read it, I basically had a horror movie dream (hadn’t seen any horror movies yet)… basically I tried to open my dresser and get ready for school, the pants burst out of the dresser, knocked me over, and I ran through an infinite hallway with the pants chasing me.

    In summary, my Freddy Kruger is a pair of jeans.

  • sp3ctr4l@lemmy.ziptoReddit@lemmy.worldJust a friendly welcome post
    2 days ago

    Here, have some beans.

    We don’t do pay-a-social-media-ceo-to-win around here, we do beans. Practical, eatable, 100% all natural digital beans.

    Some other users may be able to gift you a proper lemmy kilmister commerative gold token, but I don’t have the jpg.

    EDIT: oh right, a possibly useful warning:

    About a month or two ago, lemmy seems to have attracted its first mass spam bot, dming thousands of users with basically a phising email.

    If you get a message from ‘Fediverse Chick’, that’s not her, someone stole her image, just block the user.

  • Many, many people feel pressured to get a partner because it basically is a status symbol that conveys that you are successful, likeable, desirable.

    …That isn’t how healthy relationships work.

    People are not commodities you can buy, they are not a reward at the end of a video game questline.

    You have to be at a point where you you feel secure enough in your own life and your own personality that you can actually have a successful relationship where both people respect each other’s boundaries and don’t become resentful.

    Ironically, most people who are seeking a mate… because that is a status symbol, because they feel pressured to, because they think that will fill some hole in their life…?

    That is actually a major sign of immaturity and insecurity.

    Those kinds of people are more likely to end up in unstable, totally transactional, or even abusive relationships.

    Don’t feel insecure or let people bully you because you don’t have a mate.

    Become ok with yourself first. Stop hanging around people who mock or belittle you, they are bullies, and bullies bully people because they view putting other people down as a way to make themselves feel better about themselves, to gain social clout amongst other likeminded bullies.

    I know its especially hard to find in person group activities these days, but there may be some … sports, in person tabletop groups, volunteer at a food bank or shelter, book clubs… these things do still exist, and if your goal is just general social experience, maybe make a few friends, they can help you out with that.

  • Brother, if you remember that, you are old by young people standards.

    I remember being … around 10 and poking fun at my not even 40 yet dad for using a dot matrix printer and fax machine… in the late 90s or early 00’s.

    That’s not too far from the same age gap as the TV Guide / DVR thing.

    A 10 year old now would probably make fun of a person having a digital document scanner at home. What’s the point? Just take a picture of the document with your 8384 megapixel smartphone.

    On that note: Polaroids, film cameras, low grade digital cameras or camcorders as fairly common household items, fucking landline home phones.

    Most kids born in the last 10 or 15 years would laugh at these, or the idea of them, just like I laughed at a dot matrix printer and home fax machine in the late 90s, or grandma still having a rotary phone instead of a cordless home phone.

    Jesus, I don’t think I’ve actually even thought about the last time I made a home phone call on a phone with a cord… in about a decade.

  • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

    How does one obtain food, shelter, healthcare, a basic sense of security by having a stable and safe living space?

    Oh thats right, you obtain all that with money, obtaining those things without money is either functionally impossible for the vast majority of people, or literally a crime.

    Yeah, adding an infinite amount of money to one person doesn’t meaningfully impact their ability to get those first two layers figured out.

    Distributing money such that everyone has those two base layers… is quite literally the foundation for a happy, stable, productive society.

    Liquidate the billionaires… assets, of course.

  • Honestly, thats great to hear.

    American car-centric culture is literally directly killing people, killing the environment, killing our ability to design cities and public transit…

    You’d think the least we could do is be competent at driving.

    But fucking nope, not a chance.

    I used to live in Seattle.

    Almost no one understands that in significant rain, you need to double your following distance.

    Still fucking baffles me to this day. Rain City people don’t know how to drive… in the rain.

  • I mean, I’ve driven only automatics my whole life, with the odd exception of a friend’s ATV or whatnot, but I know when and how to use an e brake (and/or dual foot the brake pedal and gas pedal) to start a car on an incline, when said car has an automatic transmission…

    EDIT: Also, most automatics will let you attempt a rolling start in neutral… I’ve done this many times, either rolling downhill or having people push.

    You’re not gonna uninvent automatic transmissions.

    Assuming you’re American (I doubt a non American would name themselves ‘Boomer Humor’), what you could do is mandate people completely retest, written and driving tests, for their liscenses every 5 years, then every 2 years after some age cutoff (60? 65?) then every single year after another age cutoff (70? 75?)… instead of just assuming that because they passed the test once in their life, all their skills and knowledge are perfect and up to date for the rest of their lives.

    Most people think they are much better drivers than they actually are, so lets actually reality check them on that.

  • They want slaves and concubines back.

    IE an actual traditional family, as very well defined in the Old Testament / Tanakh.

    When you get to the New Testament, you end up with the uberconservative push for making divorce illegal citing Jesus himself.

    Matthew 19:3-9

    3 And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful to divorce one 's wife for any cause?”

    4 He answered, "Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female,

    5 and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?

    6 So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate."

    7 They said to him, “Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?”

    8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

    9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

    Notice how the presumption here is that only a man can divorce his wife, not the other way around.

    The rule of Moses as understood by the Pharisee is that a man can serve a woman divorce papers, and that’s that.

    What they can all agree on is women are second class citizens and should be subordinate to men.

    Paul is quite famous for not permitting women to speak:

    1 Corinthians 14:34

    the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says.