Engineers have designed robots that crawl, swim, fly and even slither like a snake, but no robot can hold a candle to a squirrel, which can parkour through a thicket of branches, leap across perilous gaps and execute pinpoint landings on the flimsiest of branches.
University of California, Berkeley, biologists and engineers are trying to remedy that situation. Based on studies of the biomechanics of squirrel leaps and landings, they have designed a hopping robot that can stick a landing on a narrow perch.
I used find it easier to be enthusiastic about these innovations if I could think of a single realistic use that isn’t terrifying.
Great. Now they have built a robot version of the biggest threat to power infrastructure.
New sci-fi horror enemy just dropped
Yeah but… will they actually remember where they buried their acorns?
Ok that robot thing is just plain freaky lookin’.
Looks a wee bit like Calculon, facially at least; a bit skinnier in the torso.
All nimbly pimbly?