At one point Monday, the firm’s prior private security firm — whose contract was ended after it coordinated with DOGE — also appeared at the building, at one point “proceed[ing] to walk toward the Institute’s gun safe,” pushing USIP staff to ignite its lockdown policy.
Are all private security firms that corruptible?
And at what point are they armed trespassers? And if the institute has guns…… Why the fuck aren’t they picking them up and defending the institute? What are they for? To sit in a safe, only for you to cry when someone walks toward them?
The fuck.
Is private security not synonymous with mercenary?
Why does the Institute of Peace have a gun safe?
Possessing weapons is not antithetical to peaceful endeavors and wishes.
US Marshals, FBI, and DC police are rogue and cannot be expected to enforce the law. They facilitated an illegal trespass, entry and ransacking of an independent, non-profit not under the jurisdiction of the executive branch.
American law enforcement has been rogue for decades.
They even got special immunity to protect them from their actions (at least until an individuals actions get caught on camera and threatens the whole, then that individual is held up as a sacrifice to placate the public/rubes)
Literally rogue, since QI is illegal according to the law as written.
DC Police are under the control of the civilian side of the city, presided over by Mayor Muriel Bowser. How the fuck are they just being turned into the Trump admin’s henchmen? They have no business handling federal affairs.
because all cops are inherently right wing thugs, who have been longing for the day they can put on the brown shits and jack boots.
DC is fully funded by congress and the GOP has threatened to defund the city. It’s easy to criticize that from afar but going against Trump would mean a lot of pain and a lot of deaths.
DC needs statehood.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
“but tHeY wIlL dEfUnD tHe cItY”
they are going to anyway! Fucking STOP THEM. You’re the ones with GUNS and BADGES.
And the folks with medical devices that require power like respirators or CPAPs? When city power is shut off they should just die?
City infrastructure is incredibly important and DC is in a uniquely vulnerable position.
Edit: If you’re in favor of murdering people with disabilities then I’m happy to say that your guy has really pulled through for you:
Nice strawman, shit for brains; I post “don’t comply with fascists” and your respose is “WHY DO YOU WANT TO MURDER THE DISABLED”?
This is fascist behavior itself, twisting my words and then playing victim. Fucking pathetic.