
By RavindraNemandi

If I could pluck the stars from the sky,

I would just to bring them to you.

If we could reach the furthest places,

I would explore the universe with you.

But the stars remain beyond my reach.

They glitter, fixed above us.

The void of space contains us here,

An island that sustains us.

So I will bring you all the treasures of the Earth.

Things that glitter, things that shine.

Things I’ve made and things i’ve found.

Things with patterns, things with flaws.

Things with stories and things to use.

Thinks that move, things that grow.

Things that swim and things that crawl.

Things with shells, things with fur.

Things that bite and sting and claw.

If we can’t explore the universe together,

I’ll bring you all the treasures of the earth.