Calling him insane absolves him of responsibility. He’s a narcissistic, cruel, racist, sexist, abuser, and bully, to name a few. Everything he’s doing, he’s doing simply because he can, because he’s greedy and uncaring, and because people were mean to him or weren’t obsequious enough to him.
“Never let them know your next move” kind of mad lib style president
Maybe I’m going on a rant today; but a big problem too is that many of his critics still somewhat normalize him, because of his office and unconscious respect given to that.
I understand his followers and the billionaire controlled press do pretend this is all too sane and normal. And they have their reasons for that.
But to treat him as anything else but a dangerous, perhaps lethal, clown is a horrible mistake that maybe cannot be undone later.
People often speak of former governments being supported by those who obey authority too much; and this is yet another example, even by many of the critics of such governance. Who will still legitimatize this in some way. No good will happen is such criticism does not change
Been saying this for awhile. The media created this monster and has continually bolstered a better reputation for him than he deserves. I’ve no doubt this man has physical and mental ailments that absolutely compromise his ability to hold office, and probably has for some time. Unless someone in the know speaks up we’ll probably just have to wait for him to keel over and die to know for sure.
People in the know have spoken up. They get ignored.
Short of Putin deciding he’s done with him, nothing will change.
Short of Putin deciding he’s done with him, nothing will change.
The US people might also decide enough is enough. When we reach that point, there will be hell to pay.