At the exact moment when Donald Trump and his MAGA allies are actively dismantling democratic institutions and working to silence critics, a group of Democratic Senators have decided to collaborate…
No alt text for our blind brothers and sisters? For shame comrade.
For a long time, I thought the Democrats were fighting valiantly but just overwhelmed by the oligarchy and the Republicans. Then I saw that the Democrats keep losing fights they should win and figured they must be just weak and ineffectual. Then I kept seeing them backing off without putting up a fight at all and decided they were gutless cowards. Finally I noticed that enough of them keep voting with the Republicans to always make sure the Republicans more or less win almost every fight, and that they keep starting from a Center position and bargaining to the Right, and eventually after enough of that it became impossible to ignore the only conclusion that actually fits the facts: The Democrats are not over matched, they aren’t weak, they aren’t cowards…they’re complicit.
Always remember: It’s not Democrats vs Republicans. It’s the poor vs rich.
No alt text for our blind brothers and sisters? For shame comrade.
Two party one system
It’s not even that. Rich and poor both depend on section 230 existing. This is politicians being out of touch morons.
The wealthy have unbreakable class solidarity. If only we could be more like them in that aspect.