It is our responsibility as those who live in western states to take matters into our own hands. Peaceful protest never works. Dispose of your local zionists.
Massive and sustained peaceful protests often do work, as they did against the US war in Vietnam. I can’t imagine how confronting local Zionists would do anything to help Palestine be free.
The US withdrew from Vietnam because they lost a shit ton of their own troops, as well as getting their asses handed to them during the Tet Offensive.
The USSR and China also played a huge role diplomatically to get them to withdraw.
No amount of peaceful protest can shake the war machine.
To add to this: after the Kent State shooting, 58% of those who were polled placed the blame on the students, 11% blamed the national guard, and 31%
just wanted to grillexpressed no opinion.There was a poll done 50 years after the shooting, 16% blamed the students, 29% blamed the national guard, 27% expressing no opinion, and the rest blaming Nixon or governor Rhodes.
Peaceful protest doesn’t do shit to change public opinion, especially not now when it isn’t covered by zionist media.
I should have mentioned the most important factor was the heroic struggle and sacrifice of the Vietnamese people, which did inflict many casualties on the US.
But the massive demonstrations in the US and around the world helped change the consciousness of millions, which ultimately even affected the thinking of the troops fighting in Vietnam. Many times the representatives of the NLF and DRV recognized the vital role of the US antiwar movement.
Unfortunately, both the USSR and China did not do much to help Vietnam, and Nixon was able to play them off pretty well.