• Chewy@discuss.tchncs.de
    1 day ago

    Hier sind paar Auszüge aus einer vom Vorposter verlinkten Seite [1], um zu zeigen, in welchen Fällen Angriffe auf medizinische Einrichtungen erlaubt sind.

    Es ist wichtig zu erwähnen, dass vor entsprechenden Angriffen eine Warnung ausgesprochen werden muss. Außerdem muss genügend Zeit zur Evakuierung von Zivilisten bleiben. Ob und in welchem Umfang Israel das missachtet (hat), wird der IGH bei seiner Entscheidung berücksichtigt haben.

    When [medical establishments and units] are used to interfere directly or indirectly in military operations, and thereby cause harm to the enemy, the rationale for their specific protection is removed. This would be the case for example if a hospital is used as a base from which to launch an attack; as an observation post to transmit information of military value; as a weapons depot; as a center for liaison with fighting troops; or as a shelter for able-bodied combatants.

    An act harmful to the enemy may render a medical establishment or unit liable to attack; it may seriously endanger the wounded and sick entrusted to its care; and it may also engender distrust of the work of medical establishments or units in other cases, and thus lessen the protective value of IHL in general. […] A concrete example would be the placing of a medical establishment or unit in proximity to a military objective with the intention of shielding it from enemy’s military operations.

    [1] https://www.icrc.org/en/document/protection-hospitals-during-armed-conflicts-what-law-says