It really is. I once dated a girl that would rip on me for having a Samsung. She said she needed an iPhone for work cause she takes a lot of pics and uses socials a lot. She couldn’t fathom that my Samsung could do all of that and arguably more
Whoa, I dislike iPhones for plenty of reasons, but the cameras are consistently among the best. Maybe not spec wise, and you can complain about post processing all you want. But to an average user that’s just clicking the shutter they turn out great.
It really is. I once dated a girl that would rip on me for having a Samsung. She said she needed an iPhone for work cause she takes a lot of pics and uses socials a lot. She couldn’t fathom that my Samsung could do all of that and arguably more
She takes a lot of pictures…so she needed a worse camera?
Whoa, I dislike iPhones for plenty of reasons, but the cameras are consistently among the best. Maybe not spec wise, and you can complain about post processing all you want. But to an average user that’s just clicking the shutter they turn out great.