I’ll never understand the appeal of the bimbo look. Big fake lips, fake breasts, too much makeup and not enough body fat. Doesn’t feel human to me, in a gross way.
I’ve heard from these types of people and they much prefer this look to the alternative of “looking their age.” Also, this level is another way to flaunt their wealth.
Can’t they just take loads of estrogen or something, should have youthful effect enough right?
It’s bizarre how they have all this cash and can’t figure out this one simple trick to youthful and epic look in 50s
Besides would you really deprive yourself of a chance to look like Meryl Streep or Helen Mirren when you are old? It’s a chance I know but still one has to gamble when the possible rewards are this good
I’ll never understand the appeal of the bimbo look. Big fake lips, fake breasts, too much makeup and not enough body fat. Doesn’t feel human to me, in a gross way.
I’ve heard from these types of people and they much prefer this look to the alternative of “looking their age.” Also, this level is another way to flaunt their wealth.
Can’t they just take loads of estrogen or something, should have youthful effect enough right?
It’s bizarre how they have all this cash and can’t figure out this one simple trick to youthful and epic look in 50s
Besides would you really deprive yourself of a chance to look like Meryl Streep or Helen Mirren when you are old? It’s a chance I know but still one has to gamble when the possible rewards are this good