My understanding is that mods can silently remove content from their subreddits, but it will still show up in your comment-history. However, admins can silently remove content and it will NOT be in your comment history. Well, when I’m logged out, I noticed some of my comments were “removed” but when I’m logged in they show up. Looking at the comments more closely, I don’t believe they broke any rules…at least not site-wide rules. I received no notification that they were removed either.
Further, these comments ALL related to the Trump/Zelensky interview. I get the need to moderate online communities, but there’s something particularly dystopian about quietly censoring someone for expressing political-speech you don’t like, and doing it in such a way that they (theoretically) don’t even realize they’ve been censored (if they’re not weird paranoid fucks like me). You’ve just secretly put a bubble around them, all for the crime of political speech you don’t like.
Here are some screenshots to verify what I’m saying:
And so the same thing happened when I posted this exact post (above the “…”) in another sub on Reddit…one I participate in regularly. And here’s how that looks:
dude, your comments are full of insults and cuss words… i don’t disagree with anything you said, but saying “you’re all fucking idiots and trailer trash” and that sort of thing will totally get you banned there….
banned on most lemmy communities too….
anyways what they did is called shadow banning… a lot of times if you tell a troll they’re banned, they immediately log in with a different account to continue trolling… if you shadow ban someone they’ll think nobody commented and give up… it’s evil though, to use it on people who are actually trying to express an idea, even if it’s crass….
but to save you some trouble:
ALL of the big subreddits are trash, run by shills, and full of bots and astroturfing… the smaller ones are still a good resource, but i mean… posting on conservative leading with “i’m not a conservative” is asking for a fight….
it’s not wrong to do… but it’s wrong to expect them to reasonably engage you.This got [removed]:
the mod of that subreddit “censored” you, not spez or the mods of reddit
Mods can’t remove it from your own page. I’ve had mods where this happened confirm that, etc. I’ve also specifically had an issue with spez before, have called him out after, and those specific comments were removed, even comically non-rule-breaking comments.
But if someone responds to me calling it out, he doesn’t touch it. And it’s always right around 4PM.