His entire answer boils down to “people with money have proven they can handle it” which is absolute horseshit, and frankly all the pretty words sound like code for “suck it peons, you don’t deserve it because you didn’t figure out how to game this rigged system in your first few years of life.”
0 people should have more money than they can count while other people are choosing between rent and food and medicine.
while i would argue with you on a few points, i just wanna say i appreciate the reasonable tone of your comment
His entire answer boils down to “people with money have proven they can handle it” which is absolute horseshit, and frankly all the pretty words sound like code for “suck it peons, you don’t deserve it because you didn’t figure out how to game this rigged system in your first few years of life.”
0 people should have more money than they can count while other people are choosing between rent and food and medicine.