Libs really thought that they could promote genocide without any blowback.
You really showed them.
And the collateral damage is definitely worth it and not far worse than anything that would have occurred under literally any Democrat.
Who cares about the ecosystem and all those vulnerable Americans and Non-Americans who are going to suffer and die now on top of those who already were suffering and dying? What really matters is that the people in power who won’t actually face any meaningful consequences from any of this lost.
Was my sarcasm not clear? I hate the /s tag.
Both things can be true. Trump and his administration are trying to illegally and unconstitutionally undermine the Democratic left, and Democrats are also doing little in effect to protect themselves and their democracy, and what they do try alreasy gets undermined from within (see Schumer).
Historical context - Germany, March 5, 1933:
On March 5, 1933, the government held an election for control of the Reichstag. The Nazis won 288 seats (43.9% of the vote). The Communists won 81 seats (12.3%), even though their representatives were unable to claim those seats—if they appeared in public, they faced immediate arrest. Other opposition parties also won significant numbers of seats. The Social Democrats captured 119 seats (18.3%), and the Catholic Center Party won 73 seats (11.2%). Together, the Communist, Social Democratic, and Catholic Center Parties won nearly as many seats as the Nazis. But their members distrusted one another almost as much as they feared the Nazis.
As a result, these parties were unable to mount a unified opposition to the Nazi Party.
Still under Nazi control, the Reichstag passed a new law on March 21, 1933, that made it a crime to speak out against the new government or criticize its leaders. Known as the Malicious Practices Act, the law made even the smallest expression of dissent a crime. Those who were accused of “gossiping” or “making fun” of government officials could be arrested and sent to prison or a concentration camp.
Then, on March 24, 1933, the Reichstag passed what became known as the Enabling Act by a vote of 141 to 94. It “enabled” the chancellor of Germany to punish anyone he considered an “enemy of the state.” The act allowed “laws passed by the government” to override the constitution. Only the 94 Social Democrats voted against the law. Most of the other deputies who opposed it were in hiding, in prison, or in exile.
That same day, Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler, then police commissioner for the city of Munich, held a news conference to announce the opening of the first concentration camp near Dachau, Germany. According to Himmler, the camp would have the capacity to hold 5,000 people, including Communist Party members and Social Democrats “who threaten the security of the state.” Himmler continued, according to a newspaper report:
Throughout the spring and early summer of 1933, the Nazis used the new laws to frighten and intimidate Germans. By May, they forced all trade labor unions to dissolve. Instead, workers could only belong to a Nazi-approved union called the German Labor Front.
Just change the names and you’ve got the news for the next year.
Why? They appear to be helpless anyway
The republicans were helpless themselves for like 30 years, they dont want a ressurgent democratic party in the future so they’ll just dispense of it now while its in chaos
There’s almost a bit of humor in the DNC refusing to run a true progressive because they feared they’d lose that sweet donor money, and now it’s going to be taken away anyhow. When will people learn you can neither control nazis nor expect them to have any sort of moderation or decorum once they have power.
Liberal world, not progressive world.
And TBH, that’s what they campaigned on.
Drain the swamp and all that.
It really is on their voters that can’t distinguish fact from fiction.
Actblue is used by every progressive.
“World” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here although much of “the free world” does benefit greatly from charities with strong ties to the Democrats.
But if we restrict “world” to mean “United States”? Yes, it is progressives. Because the DNC is dismissive and combative to progressives. Republicans are outright hostile. There is a reason that the biggest mainstream push we have seen to progressive politics was when Sanders finally stopped his primary bullshit and pseudo-joined the Democrats (seriously. Sanders trick to never run against anyone on the left was both hilarious AND assholish) and actually effective politicians like AOC joined up.
So… maybe stop focusing on stupid purity test bullshit and realize that progressive politics is also under very serious attack?
Ok, I know this is a very scary situation, very dangerous and will harm all… but maybe this could boost more progressives ( the actual left) vs centralists (liberals)?
Moderates have to use party funding as their majority source. They are business funded more so than the leftists.
Leftists are better using other methods which cannot be blocked as easily, and there is flexibility here. They are traditionally starved of funds by the party too, so often scrounge anyway and will feel less impact.
Also this could help promote third parties that are actually well intentioned and not used as spoilers to divide the vote in local politics
The financial target in mind is obviously act blue. This will disproportionately affect progressives, and that’s obviously the goal.
And somehow it’s the dems fault…
Yes, collaborating with genocide and fascism is never a good move.
If we had a legitimate resistance organization, we might have some hope. Unfortunately the dems have been working hard with their fellow right-wingers to attack any actual leftists.
Surprised it’s taken this long for them to get there.