They really do their best to avoid words like debt and loan. Those are serious words, this is just a bit of fun! Buy now pay later! 3 easy installments!
🤣 this is peak dystopian future. Man, were so fucked huh?
Bleak as fuck.
Saw a commercial on TV the last time I was home visiting family, and it was a guy at the grocery store looking at produce and picked up a pear and said ‘wow, 4 dollars??’ And then the next shot was him handing the cashier 2 pears and passing over a credit card, with the overlayed audio mentioning something about being in good hands with whatever credit card company it was. Bleak as fuck for sure. I can’t believe someone greenlit that commercial, for what it says about the state of the country and how fucked people are they can’t afford basic fucking food without putting it on credit. People can’t afford food, and they’re framing it as a positive.
For them it is a positive. They make money.
Keeping people in debt is one of the major mechanisms for redistributing wealth from the poor to the rich. Student loans, payday loans, rent to own, medical debt etc. And now loans for takeaway. I’m sure they’re already working on ways to charge for the air you breathe.
That’s just straight ridiculous. But who tf does doordash deliveries if you’re strapped for cash!?
You’d be surprised…
Seems real stupid if you ask me
Sure that people have been able to pay off a takeaway with Klarna or similar for a while now in the U.K.