Bruh 💀
When you’re stupid enough to believe a lying grifter because he speaks to you at your (6th grade) level.
They said democracy is under threat, they didn’t say they were on the side that wanted to save it.
They also may have no goddamn clue what democracy is
These are the same people that think ‘freedom’ is dictating to others how they’re allowed to live their lives, ‘free speech’ is deporting anyone that says something you don’t like and that the preacher who gets a little too friendly with the youth group ‘cares about the kids’. So assume that everything they say and claim to stand for is doublespeak.
Yeah. They’re morons. God help us.
But mah egg prices and no tax on OT. Fuck me for wanting them to not have to work OT just to meet their necessities.
I’m glad every time the leopards feeds.
In USA “democracy” is just a code word for white supremacy.
They’re right, but not for the reason they think. (About the democracy being very threatened part)
As a Marxist-Leninist, I didn’t vote for Trump, but I did abstain to let Trump win. I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for Genocide Joe. And look how great it’s turned out, the Democrats have moved massively to the left since the election and they’re moving to arrest Trump!
The stupidity of the people responding as if this ess a real comment is only matched by the stupidity of the comment itself. I understand its supposed to be satire but no marxist wanrs the Democratic party to move left. They would recognize that the entire two party system is a circus organized by capital to keep people from organizing and challenging power systems in meaningful ways. After all theres no real need for revolution when your entire social responsibility boils down to writing a name on a piece of paper and then making shitty internet comments about it for the next four years right?
Lol I’m like 90% sure this is a parody account made by someone who wants to point out how dumb the tankies are, but there is also a 10% chance that this is an actual tankie.
Ugh, poe’s law
Edit: Actually, this is 100% parody
Look at this part:
Democrats have moved massively to the left since the election and they’re moving to arrest Trump!
I mean… yea this obvious parody 🤣
You think the ability to vote means we shouldn’t organise and have a revolution? You’re not a real Marxist, you’re a counterrevolutionary liberal.
Great 9D chess move, it’s all working according to plan?!
Wait I don’t understand “Genocide Joe” was not running, didn’t you had a third choice: Vote for Kamela?
And wait did Lenin have ovaries? its all very confusing to me.
I’d bet money that’s satire and only one of you had the ovaries to not mark it as such.
Why use balls/ovaries? Why make it gendered? Is gumption not acceptable enough?
Because LeninsOvaries is such a silly username I wanted to draw attention to it.
Maybe try reading the usernames of the people posting?
AligatorBlizzard is who I intended to reply to. Im not sure what the point if your comment is
OP is clearly LeninsOvaries tho
AligatorBlizzard is the only one that used “having the ovaries to” so only AligatorBlizzard is using it in the way Im questioning.
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Way to stop the genocide, great job!
You’re welcome, fellow enlightened vatnik
Lib fever dreams.