LOL, gonna block you now, so don’t bother replying. LOL.
Irrelevant, if companies and governments are willing/required to pay for it, then the cost does not matter.
you think they’ll plunge BILLIONS or TRILLIONS into capture when we can’t get them to reduce the fucking output?
You really are a silly twat.
you can’t bring industry over by itself. the whole system has to transition. Transitioning industry without consumers would be pointless.
You really have absolutely no grasp on this subject at all. It’s impressive how silly this discussion is.
Offsets and capture are fairy tales the POLLUTION INDUSTRY has spun for you so that you won’t be in the streets screaming for them to be held responsible. Good job, you toolbag, you’re carrying water for billionaires while avoiding anything productive happening.
I should have blocked you when I saw someone was responding to a 5 month old post and never bothered to respond. What a bellend.
LOL, gonna block you now, so don’t bother replying. LOL.
you think they’ll plunge BILLIONS or TRILLIONS into capture when we can’t get them to reduce the fucking output?
You really are a silly twat.
you can’t bring industry over by itself. the whole system has to transition. Transitioning industry without consumers would be pointless.
You really have absolutely no grasp on this subject at all. It’s impressive how silly this discussion is.
Offsets and capture are fairy tales the POLLUTION INDUSTRY has spun for you so that you won’t be in the streets screaming for them to be held responsible. Good job, you toolbag, you’re carrying water for billionaires while avoiding anything productive happening.
I should have blocked you when I saw someone was responding to a 5 month old post and never bothered to respond. What a bellend.