Instance PeerTube généraliste, une bonne alternative à YouTube et autres plateformes de streaming contrôlées par des géants du WEB.
General PeerTube instance, a good alternative to YouTube and other streaming platforms controlled by WEB giants.
it seems that those new directives from the hegemon have just arrived to its satellites. the thing is that trump tries to appease russia because he believes they are useful white allies in their containment and aggression strategy against china, which they see as a “yellow menace” to the primacy of white nato-stan.
I think that’s exactly what it is, Trump is banking on peeling Russia away from China based on “christian values” or some shit. He’s going to be sorely disappointed.
it seems that those new directives from the hegemon have just arrived to its satellites. the thing is that trump tries to appease russia because he believes they are useful white allies in their containment and aggression strategy against china, which they see as a “yellow menace” to the primacy of white nato-stan.
I think that’s exactly what it is, Trump is banking on peeling Russia away from China based on “christian values” or some shit. He’s going to be sorely disappointed.