Do you know if there is an alternative to GoogleTV or AndroidTV as the OS on the TV set? I’ve seen one or two projects but those are more oriented towards TV boxes rather than the television device itself.
I would like to replace the one that comes preinstalled, as as far as I have detected is turns on on low power every now and then to, and this is a guess, phone home for updates. I have connected it once to my wifi, and after that it updated itself and started to lag.
I would like it to connect to my network and play my local media streams, but I don’t like the idea of it going to the vendor’s cloud. I have it now disconnected from the network, but it would be nice not to depend on another device just to enjoy my arrchives
Edit: I am not looking for some solution to connect to the tv and stream, I have that covered. I am asking to replace the preinstalled OS on the tv and use it without needing external devices.
once you get past the idea that everything needs to look like a square icon it’s absolutely amazing.
i love kodi!
I wonder: would the 1GB Raspberry Pi 3 be okay for this? The more powerful ones are very expensive, $60 is already kind of a lot, so would hope maybe it could work for 1080p video (or 720p m3u streams)?