I received mail from eures.europa.eu to Gmail for years before Google’s new “be evil” act.
Ban Google in EU. Don’t let citizens use enemy services in a cold war.
As someone who currently has a large portion of the Internet blocked - NO. You do NOT want that. This has awful implications and is very much a slippery slope. A lot of necessary info and contacts are on Google - is this bad? Yeah, absolutely, but right now losing access to Google would mean losing access to this information. While blocking the addresses of such a big company, you’d inevitably break unexpected parts of the Internet as collateral. If the people want to use the service - a lot out of habit, a lot because there aren’t alternatives suitable for them - they would use proxies or VPNs (and in my experience - often opening themselves to risk in the process, because they’d go with a random free VPN from Play Store). It is very possible they’d go after the censorship evasion protocols next.
If you really want bans - maybe banning the companies from buying ads, or using Google’s tools for business would be fine. But NOT fragmenting the Web further and strengthening the censorship infrastructure.
Source please.
My Gmail, and I forgot to screenshot because I’ve learned to hit the “not spam” button by reflex like swatting a mosquito.
So email from one EU domain got filtered for you, and you concluded that every email from the EU is being filtered for everyone, on account of being from the EU? Am I understanding this right?
I assume there’s one filter for the whole Gmail doing the same for everyone. For the sabotage to be allowed to continue, it has to be plausibly deniable, so it’s probably doing a little bit of this and that randomly for different people.
Can you think of any other possible and more likely explanation for them being filtered, other than “the entire EU is being filtered by Google”?
If you wanted evidence that the entire EU is not being filtered, what would that evidence look like?
Europe did not declare war on google afaik, what do mean “the enemy”.
Look I get the desire to stop an evil corp getting away with it, but restricting access for your citizens is the absolute last thing you should (if ever) consider. EU is a huge market for google, ergo, it has power over it. Continue to regulate, tax and penalize it for its misbehaviors. If it doesn’t comply, seize some if it money see how they like it. Tariff all of its services in favor of a local company.
But for the love of all that is holy stop trying to end the last vestiges of world wide web we still have.
May I suggest you change email providers then? You get to hurt google by not giving them your data and support smaller european companies. Here’s a list in no particular order. I personally use Tuta it’s not as feature rich as Gmail but the company is miniscule in comparison. https://european-alternatives.eu/category/email-providers
Ah yes, googles brilliant plan to destroy the EU by maliciously sending mail from europe.eu to the spam folder.
At the vert least a company this size investing this much money into all kinds of bullshit should be capable of knowing that emails from europa.eu are not spam.
If this is incompetence rather than bad intent, it’s just another piece of solid evidence that Google has lost its way and now sucks more than it’s competition. Not that anyone would be surprised to learn that.
Spam filters don’t and should not have some global default whitelists that bypass all protection. One simple reason would be that someone’s account is compromised and it sends out malicious mail.
I have seen Microsoft Defender spam filter detecting legitimate Microsoft mails as spam. It’s just how spam filters work, there always can be false positives.
How would they know that europe.eu is a legitimate government website? Anyone can register a .eu domain. If it ever expires, anyone can buy it. And even if they built a team that whitelists government websites, do you really want to have spam from them whitelisted? What if they get hacked, what if they use spam for military disinformation campaigns.
My point being: One email doesn’t even tell you if their service sucks. Much less that Google is an enemy service and must be banned.
There are plenty of reasons to not use Google. There are even a bunch of reasons to ban Google. One false positive in their spam filter is not one of them.
Also OP is a dummy and probably marked one of these mails as spam without noticing so it’s now throwing all of them away.
Every subdomain under europa.eu belongs to EU institutions.
You’re just being condescendingly sarcastic without making a point. Do you think OP is lying about this or something?
Op had a false positive in their spam filter, and is now posting in multiple communities as if this was a clear sign that Google is part of a conspiracy to destroy the EU.
There are plenty of good reasons to not use Google. They’re a monopoly, a privacy nightmare and their services continually become worse in pursuit of minmaxing profits. Heck, even gmails spam filter sucking is a good reason.
But OP had one false positive in their spam filter, and is now calling for banning Google because they’re an enemy service.
That’s insane conspiracy theorist behavior, which was my point.
Do you think OP is lying about this or something?
Looks at which community I’m in. Yes.
Prime example of the bootlicker mentality…
It thinks it is flexing here lol
Among 1,000 other little cuts per user, via a couple of hundred million phones and computers.
You won’t see ads of things that AI predicts would improve your life and strengthen Europe.
When European key people are deep asleep, their phones and laptops will try to overheat the battery to maximise the odds of it bursting on fire. Fast charging at maximum voltage combined with installing updates and mining cryptocurrency.
Taking a single false positive in your spam folder as a sign that Google has joined a campaign against the EU sounds insane.
They literally control Google Search, Youtube, the entire Android ecosystem, have a small army of lobbyists and hundreds of billions of dollars to influence politicians, and instead of the literal millions of more effective attack vectors they have, putting .eu domains in their spam filters somehow made it onto their priority list? Really?
Especially when the alternative explanation is simply, that Google’s spam filter had a false positive, like all spam filters have.
The longer it’s plausibly deniable, the longer people let it continue.