Rural regions account for 43 percent of the world’s population – estimated to be just over 8 billion, at the last count – and if the calculations in this new study are correct then the number of unaccounted-for people could potentially stretch into the billions.(…)
“We were surprised to find that the actual population living in rural areas is much higher than the global population data indicates – depending on the dataset, rural populations have been underestimated by between 53 percent to 84 percent over the period studied.”(…)
ad: “Not everyone is convinced. Scientists who weren’t involved in the study told Chris Stokel-Walker at New Scientist that improvements in satellite imagery and the quality of data collecting in some countries would make these discrepancies smaller.”(…)
It is though. UK birth rate is well below replacement level and immigration is not enough to make up for it.
The math may not be obvious because that is a decrease in births now, that will become apparent in about 30 years when they would have children and previous large generations pass. You can either try to compensate now when it’s easy or wait 30 years until it’s a crisis with no way out and even if there was, it would take 30+ years