Largest prison population both in absolute size AND per capita. Also, random fact, their constitution allows prisoners to be forced into slave labour. Also, another random fact, their prisons are run for profit. None of these facts are related of course!
Listen I live in the USA, but if thats your best pushback to all those facts - should tell you what a dire state we are in. And prisons that aren’t for profit still send out prisoners to for-profit industries to work, so it’s kind of a moot point.
Largest prison population both in absolute size AND per capita. Also, random fact, their constitution allows prisoners to be forced into slave labour. Also, another random fact, their prisons are run for profit. None of these facts are related of course!
Next you’re going to tell me that these for-profit prisons lobby the government for harsher prison sentences for things like cannabis possession.
Only for people that are black or poor.
Only about 8% of the US prison population is in for-profit prisons.
Listen I live in the USA, but if thats your best pushback to all those facts - should tell you what a dire state we are in. And prisons that aren’t for profit still send out prisoners to for-profit industries to work, so it’s kind of a moot point.