Yes, all of the various degoogled Androids work with normal apps
Unless that app requires google play services…
Doesn’t eOS use microG or something to get around that?
I have never used eOS because they are always behind on security patches, but I had always heard it worked Ok.
It does but its not perfect. I love my phone, but its absolutely not for people who dont want to tinker with shit that breaks unexpectedly.
- Can I install MicroG in a different workspace and not on the main system?
- Can I install Google play if needed on said workspace?
I want to keep all apps that need Google play separate from FOSS and I want MicroG to only be present in the namespace/workspace they are in. Is this possible?
- no. Microg is baked in to try and get around the portions of google bullshit thats baked in.
- yes, I have play services running because I cannot not have android auto.
Not in /e/os far as i can see. Maybe in aosp somehow? Frankly, I am not exactly a fan of many of the decisions Murena made. They’re motherfuckers about letting me do the things I actually want in the system, for example: just update my apps, dont notify me. I do not care unless you broke or can’t update. But no, I have to dismiss every successful app update.
I really would like a version of eOS without microG baked in so I can install it in a workspace. Sucks that there’s not an easy option for that
Your frustration is understood, but I feer its misplaced. The way you phrased your response suggests you are disappointed that /e/os doesnt behave like you want, when you should actually be frustrated with google for designinjng android that way.