Well Obama didn’t have these glitches in 8 years, and Biden didn’t have these glitches for a combined 12 years, so if your level of success is only two months, you’re a fucking failure
Well Obama didn’t have these glitches in 8 years, and Biden didn’t have these glitches for a combined 12 years, so if your level of success is only two months, you’re a fucking failure
Trying to make it sound like a technical failure, not a massive show of incompetence and a huge security lapse by people who are unqualified for their jobs and shouldn’t have been communicating through those channels in the first place.
And “It’s the first time we’ve really fucked up inexcusably in a whole two months” doesn’t really work as a defense. Nor is it true.
“We’re sorry you found out” is basically what he’s saying.
Trying to make it seem that they’re not actively breaking all the laws around record keeping for government business.
There’s no excuse for this.
I am not even sure if he knows what a glitch is on a technical level btw.
It is however his very very first admittance of a failure from his administration, so… yay? I see progress! /s