What they’re saying: “Unfortunately, we cannot wish away the security threats associated with climate change,” said Erin Sikorsky, director of the Center for Climate and Security.
“As a former intelligence officer, I fear that by eliminating climate threats from the [threat assessment], the DNI will create a chilling effect across the intelligence community,” Sikorsky told Axios via email.
So what does Trump’s US do/say about the very obviously increasing natural disasters that are making homes uninsurable, especially in Florida or California.
It’s all well and good to say “we don’t want to acknowledge this exists” (well, actually wait, it’s clearly not well and good!?) but the fact is that climate change will wreck many American homes, and having an official policy that it doesn’t exist makes it hard to do anything about it.
Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m trying to reason around the actions of a deranged facist state government.