I’m having issues with Google takeout, it messes up the file names and thus the order of the photos.

Any tips?

  • taxon@lemmy.world
    7 hours ago

    This worked pretty well for me, although constructing the cli command took a little elbow grease. This video and an LLM proved to be very helpful.

    Here’s the commands I ended up using:

    Testing Upload Process

    Before performing the actual upload, test the process with this command:

    immich-go.exe -server http://[server.ip:port} -key [put your apikey here w/o brackets} upload -dry-run -google-photos takout-*.zip

    Actual Upload

    Once testing is successful, perform the full upload:

    immich-go.exe -server http://[server.ip:port} -key [put your apikey here w/o brackets} upload -google-photos takout-*.zip

    Remove Duplicates

    If you’ve previously uploaded photos before syncing your phone, remove duplicates with:

    immich-go.exe -server http://[server.ip:port} -key [apikey} duplicate -yes