I feel like this might be something that people here have insight on because VPNs seem to trigger Captchas a lot. What can I do to bypass them on desktop and android?
I feel like this might be something that people here have insight on because VPNs seem to trigger Captchas a lot. What can I do to bypass them on desktop and android?
(tangentially related)
Do you guys intentionally half-ass your capchtas or am I the only one?
eg. when Google asks me to recognize traffic lights, I intentionally make some errors to decrease the quality of data they harvest
The noise you add won’t even register. No two people are going to half-ass it the same way, so if you average everyone’s responses, the correct answer comes out.
I know :) that’s why I was asking if anybody else did it instead of campaigning for more people to do it
Captchas are there to track you. Websites can detect who is looking at this page just by mouse movement and your captcha is even better in recognizing you specifically.
So because they dont know who you are over a VPN, then they will figure it out. Tracking is what they love and sell