Far worse? Are you sure? Under his regime, there were Chem-Weapons dropped on his people … On top of all the killing, torture and systemic Violence … The new islamistic leaders are only for like 2? 3? Month in Power? Bold to call them far worse. But obviously you are an expert for Syrian politics. So I dont want to lecture you.
What actual data do you want? History Books? Witness-Records? Museums?
For the crimes in the SU probably start with the work of th NGO “Memorial”. They tried to archive the systemic terror.
For an more imersive way to get into the topic “Gulag” and if you understand German or French, there is a german-french documentary. It was produced with help from Memorial and several historians, which explains and shows soviet the Gulag-System in 3 Parts. From the early beginning after the revolution to the end of the SU. “Die sowjetische Hauptverwaltung der Lager”, published by the German-French TV-Channel Arte. Probably you can find a translated version somewhere.
Im not a capitalist. You dont have to convince me that capitalism is a problem or that western imperialism did and ist still doing a lot of harm to the world. But that doesnt mean Im Ok with the imperialism and harmfullnes of other politcal systems.
Ok, ill leave it here. Youre obviously lost in some weird conspiracy tellings. Or are you a troll? But this discussion, especilly with somebody from the US, is at least absurd. And my time is sadly limited.
But I make some things clear:
Memorial was a russian organisation.
The HTS is not ISIS. And its for the future to tell, how the new goverment will work out.
The soviets were imperialistic. Otherwise they wouldnt have conquered half of europe and surpressed the conquered countries (see Praque spring, Solidarnosc)
I wish you well. Keep your head and heart up, despite this moving times