So then let us agree that some rights holders take better care of their IP than others. Earth Final Conflict is another example of this terrible trend.
IED(EDS) sufferer and spectrum surfer. You probably won’t like what I have to say.
So then let us agree that some rights holders take better care of their IP than others. Earth Final Conflict is another example of this terrible trend.
But the question becomes: Who dictates the canon?
The original creator or the IP rights owner?
Gene Rodenberry’s Andromeda would have been amazing if they hadn’t fired the first season writer and remade the show for syndication.
He posted a ‘It’s not canon but if I were still an employee it would be’ post and it was amazing and so much better than all the seasons that came after.
So in my mind, the original creator’s vision was the true vision and the bastardization of corporate greed that resulted is an abomination and all involved should be whipped.
In 5+ decades of living I have never once met a sane vegan, not once.
And I’ve met hundreds…