Some jurisdictions classify “sale” as broadly as “transfer of data to any other company, for a ‘benefit’ of any kind” Benefit could even be non-monetary in terms of money being transferred for the data, it could be something as broadly as “the browser generally improving using that data and thus being more likely to generate revenue.”
To avoid frivolous lawsuits, Mozilla had to update their terms to clarify this in order to keep up with newer laws.
I’d say the same. Google dorks work much better than DDG’s filters for site-specific stuff, and generally for things like
"search term"
but for general searches DDG seems pretty similar.The only things I’ve also had worse performance from DDG on compared to Google (in very minimal ways) has been:
And of course, there’s always the
bang to run a search through Startpage (which uses Google) if I’m not getting enough detail.