They don’t, unless you are capable of hurting them. I don’t know what more to say to get this through to you, but I think you’ll find out for yourself soon.
They don’t, unless you are capable of hurting them. I don’t know what more to say to get this through to you, but I think you’ll find out for yourself soon.
Yeah, the next four years is going to be an absolute shit show. And then the next 50 years to follow due to the damage cleanup
The thumbnail art is cool af
I think you’re in denial that deterrence using threats of violence works better than pacifism and you are I am likely a pathetic loser.
Do you treat people who bully you with respect hoping they reciprocate?
It’s not a Magpul, I forget the brand but it’s super comfy.
What? Your barrel shroud is Magpul, your pistol grip is Magpul, your bipod is Magpul, your p-mag might be Magpul, and your stock looks like a Magpul too. Your lower looks like Aero and the upper looks like cheap off-brand. Your Vortex optic likely costs more than your entire gun for no reason i can imagine for such a low caliber, and is too high a magnification for 5.56/.223 unless you use +p+ ammo
Did you just purchase this shit and not know what the fuck you own? Please don’t be a stereotype moron Lefty who bought a gun and knows nothing about it and never trains with it (hint, you definitely are).
Please elaborate your nonsense comment
It completely changes how they act with you. It goes from them fearlessly stomping you, to respectfully cautious because they don’t want to die. It’s almost as if people only respond to threats of violence. Otherwise why the fuck do we bother building nukes? If Ukraine never gave up their nukes, Russians would have never invaded. If Vietnamese farmers didn’t fight with AKs, that entire region would look different. Go read a fucking history book. Quit being a pacifist pussy
That thing looks cool af and Magpul furniture looks decent, but know that MAGA not only own disproportionately way more guns than you, they also aren’t worried about joining militias and regularly train with their morbidly obese friends, meanwhile you are trying to solo these inbred fucks and will 100% die to them if they start shit.
You should work on reading comprehension and I need to work on writing better. If Bubba can shoot you from his diabetic mobility scooter, then ergonomic is good. Don’t know where the fuck you took it as a bad thing
Most leftists are unarmed finger waggling sign-holders.
We spent the last thirty years making gun control a priority, making anywhere near a blue state or democrat controlled city impossible to buy a gun, making democrat/Leftist protests just impotent and likely helped with police training rather than change policies or influencepoliticians tonl protect LGBTQ.
Meanwhile Bubba and his redneck Republican states allowed him to have his ergonimic advanced arsenals delivered to his front door from online purchases at cheaper prices.
And if you, whoever you are casually scrolling by this random nested comment, as a Leftist who wants to rebuke me, prove it by posting a pic of your gun. That’s right, you don’t have one and can’t protect our trans folk if they needed our help, you think fascist cops would do that. GTFO of here.
My bad, you are correct; it was referring to all Russian combatants and oligarchs funding it all. I love their culture, and their people, their rich knowledge and technical prowess, but it’s all fucking wasted by these dipshits in power trying to bully Ukraine into submission.
Sure, here you go.
Where’d you go? Does it pay well? Is child care good? Where do you recommend going?
Most US democrats are actually cowards: unwilling to do anything outside of internet complaints, convincing mentally ill people to commit violence for them online, pathetic finger waggling or holding up signs/paddles so they can high-five each other at the end of a productive day doing nothing.
After reading this article, I can safely say without doubt or racism that Russians (edit Russian combatants and oligarchs) are fucking demons walking the earth. This shit is horrendous and not ethical or tactically sound in any way that is conceivable by a human being. Like, what type of military advantages does this bring in any way? Can someone try to explain?
And every Arch user wears a colander as a hat, calls them divine hollular shields and are completely nude below the waist.
I don’t know if you’re trolling or just stupid; they (two registered Republican voters) tried to assassinate their own candidate, twice while he was running for election… Most of the mass shooters that got notoriety in the past decade were Republican gun owners. GTFO of here with your dumb bullshit
One could simply live in a college dorm at a blue-state college, and then after graduation move to a dogshit red state with more affordable housing and get a remote white-collar job that pays six figures.
Crunchy-granola birkenstock-wearing pacifist hippie boomer Democrats versus uneducated inbred heavily armed MAGA Tea Party Republicans. Who will win?
Just like Europe then.