2 days agoWell they do have a point. Having strength isn’t the same thing as using it. Most have the ability to beat another human to a pulp but instead use their words and other forms of conflict resolution. So to extend that logic one isn’t peaceful if one doesn’t have the power not to be; that is one isn’t restraining themselves from being violent and exercising benevolence and patience but rather being forced to be tolerant of others bullshit because they can’t do anything about it. It’s like is your chastity being tested more in a monestary or a whorehouse?
It’s more why should you respect and be patient with someone who can’t do a thing against you if you aren’t? Say you met someone on the street and they decided to start insulting you. The natural response is to punch them in the face to ensure they don’t insult you further; except if they are stronger or have some other reason for you to respect them and put up with their bullshit (ex. Elders, martial arts sensei, some kind of community leader, etc.).
The response to a peaceful protest is similar. So long as they don’t insult one’s honor or get in the way they don’t get a punch in the face, except if they wield enough political clout. You don’t have power to be peaceful unless you can fight back.