Yes? I mean its not a hard concept. You are a terrorist for diagreeing with the god emperor. The only way back is to do 5 Hail Trumps, 3 Trump Prayers, and 1 apology to Elon Musk.
This seems like the worst way for him to go because 100% his “fans”, if you want to call them that, will say it was the deep state that killed him for getting to close to their operations. They will try to get Trump to double down on his cuts to the government and it will make things worse somehow.
Really no matter how he goes it will be due to the deep state unless he Luigi’s himself
If you think of the banks as your only consumer i guess it makes sense.
Honestly I would expect Trump to be more patriotic and go with Silver Shirts
Nah. He is just going to trip and fall out a window.
Dont like Trump? Straight to jail
Dont want your pussy grabbed? Straight to jail
Want to collect your social security? Believe it or not, straight to jail
Fuck it, i need to know. What does being a homophobe have to do with eating with latex gloves or no covid shots?
You ever hear of the war of northern aggression? How about the traitor of the union Abe Lincoln?
You are gonna hear alot of this in the future