• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • VR gaming is still pretty niche and expensive if you want a truly good experience. There also haven’t really been any major advancements in the space since the Valve Index almost six years ago.

    Inside out tracking is still not where it needs to be and the base stations for outside in tracking are cumbersome.

    Additionally, for the full promise of VR gaming to be realized you really need accurate full body tracking to include full hand tracking, a compact, easily stowable, but accurate omnidirectional treadmill, and some way to do all of the tracking without the need for base stations.

    And all of that needs to be standardized across the industry.

    I too enjoy VR gaming, but there’s been basically no movement in the VR space in a long time, and to most people VR is a novelty at best. Unless someone gives us a decade’s worth of advancement inside of a year or two, I expect modern VR will go the way of the virtual boy. Only to be revived again in 20-30 years.

  • I don’t know if I’d want to live in the UFP. Post-dominion war (and during it) it gets a bit dystopian. And of the time periods depicted, there’s only a pretty narrow window where they’re not at war with at least one major power. Specifically after the khitomer accords are signed and prior to the encounter with the Borg. So, really only a 70 year period. And even then, there’s a cold war with the Romulans.

    That galaxy is largely hostile and while a lot of UFP citizens are able to live in blissful ignorance, I’m not sure I’d enjoy that.

  • What’s wrong with the sentiment expressed in the headline? AI training is not and should not be considered fair use. Also, copyright laws are broken in the west, more so in the east.

    We need a global reform of copyright. Where copyrights can (and must) be shared among all creators credited on a work. The copyright must be held by actual people, not corporations (or any other collective entity), and the copyright ends after 30 years or when the all rights holders die, whichever happens first. That copyright should start at the date of initial publication. The copyright should be nontransferable but it should be able to be licensed to any other entity only with a majority consent of all rights holders. At the expiration of the copyright the work in question should immediately enter the public domain.

    And fair use should be treated similarly to how it is in the west, where it’s decided on a case-by-case basis, but context and profit motive matter.