That’s not what socialism is. Socialism didn’t “start with the farmers”. That’s a ridiculous thing to say
That’s not what socialism is. Socialism didn’t “start with the farmers”. That’s a ridiculous thing to say
Firstly, “Results from the study confirmed the substantial equivalence of all conditions in immediate comprehension. Conversely, results confirmed the disadvantage of subtitled videos for deep learning outcomes.”
Secondly, there are no videos ever made that explain the depth and volume that many books do. They simply don’t exist
Thirdly, you can easily refer back to other areas of books that are more difficult in videos.
Fourthly, you can read sentence over again when you don’t understand but you have to stop to rewind which makes it more difficult to place in context.
Fifthly, videos just don’t exist for this. There are no videos that exist that explain things in the structured format that actual theory provides.
You cannot become educated on this matter with videos and it will just leave you over-confident and ignorant
Yep, if you assume things that aren’t true then you can draw faulty conclusions…who would’ve guessed?
The Uyghur genocide? The genocide that the UN explicitly and clearly doesn’t call a genocide? That one?
Choosing not to read theory is choosing to always be ignorant.
Maybe don’t brag about your ignorance publicly and keep your mouth shut about things you know nothing about?
Took a brief break for MENA to be the targeted one though
Stealing means the initial item is no longer there
People who talk of “human nature” are white supremacists. The idea is that groups and people with different cultures are not human is what underpins this whole concept
Environmental issues did in fact exist before capitalism. Human arrival coincided with mass extinction in the Americas and in Australia. That’s certainly not to say these issues are unavoidable or that socialism isn’t the solution (because it 100% is) but we should see environmental issues as transcending others so I disagree that I would place this in an eco-fascist lens. Rejection of science certainly occurred in feudal societies as well
Supporting a system where workers are held down in favor of corporate greed is not and never will be “moderate”
I guess those values like Nazism and goals of cultural suppression of Russian-speaking people in the Donbas was all just to “protect their families”
Norway is not socialist in the least