Deport them.
Deport them.
How does that work? How does changing a name cost any money, let alone millions?
I rename my iPhone every other week because it keeps changing after connecting to PC. Free of charge! Lmao.
Does cola leave a weird texture on anyone else’s teeth and tongue? I hate the rough/sticky feeling that cola leaves behind.
That shit is dissolving our enamel with all the sugar and acid.
I mean… apparently we can tell when the ships have their anchor down. Because the plane could notice it… so if there is an anchor down, near a cable, shoot the captain.
Idk what else to say. Obviously don’t just shoot random ships. Only if they have their anchor down near sea cables.
Also the 2nd amendment is a joke. If not now, then when? When will someone finally kill trump, musk and Vance? Asking for a friend.
That’s what I’m saying bro/sis. All these years, every time I see the headline of Russian aircraft violating European airspace, I was like „shoot that shit down without hesitation“. See how long they’ll keep doing it after all their shit gets shot down. Fuck Russia. Honestly fuck Russians in general. Horrible country and rude people (with some exceptions). Absolute joke of a nation.
If I was bullied at school, I would have probably stabbed my bully lol. I’m not exactly a rational and level headed person. I would be the one to bring a knife to a fist fight. Because I didn’t ask for the fight so I’ll do whatever to defend. Don’t pull bullshit and nothing happens. Pull it and something happens for sure.
Yeah I agree don’t shoot the ship because of oil spill. But kill the captain in my opinion and arrest the crew for many years. It has to be dangerous to cut sea cables, otherwise they’ll never learn. Short of shooting the ship or killing the captain, I see no other way.
But I’m pissed off and hate Russia so I might be biased.
Kill captain and detain crew. Make it dangerous to pull this bullshit.
Thanks for the laugh.
Sounds like mental illness to me. Like serious delusion.
It also helps that Luigi looks fine af. Like not even kidding I’m sure that’s a big part of the support too lol.
I mean, Russia retaliates all the time anyways. Even unprompted. So I say fuck it. The sooner Moscow and St. Petersburg are bombed to shit, the better. Just look at Odessa. Just look at Mariupol. It’s time for Ukrainian retaliation.
You see? This is why I’m glad sane people are in charge over there. Because I would probably cause MAD with my antics lol. Please don’t give me any political power ever.
Love your username btw haha. How did you even come up with that
Time to reinforce your roofs everyone! Watch out for falling debris.
Yeah, but that’s only as long as they target the US with their bullshit. Dictatorships don’t exactly have a history of stopping after „defeating“ their enemy. They’ll find new ones (spoiler it’s gonna be Europe).
I‘m having a hard time grasping the whole thing. It’s actually insane that THIS happened. I feel like I am having a fever dream lol.
Talk about boldness. This is just ridiculous haha. Man should be in El Salvador right now. Not the White House.
Also, that bathroom looks fucking ugly. How can you have infinite money and then use it to make a room like this…
That country fucking sucks major ass. Space lasers when?
I accidentally did that once, when I drank tea in the dark and didn’t notice the bag got a hole.
Do not recommend haha.
I hear you but still I stand by my point, a rogue drone or two that accidentally got misguided… maybe into the Kremlin then instead of a hospital?
Pretty please? Pinky promise I have no malicious intent lmao. But honestly, I want Russian civilians to suffer a bit because they need to fucking get the hint and do something it they want to survive. Ukrainian children are dying every day. Meanwhile Russians can live their lives.
I want them to be scared shitless.
I really like Meßmer and Teekanne. They have a great variety of all kinds, many of them sweet and fruity. Currently I have their apple tea.
They claim that most of the ingredients are ethically farmed and approved by the rainforest alliance. I don’t, however, know how much of that is sourced in Europe…
Easiest way to shoot yourself in the face haha
Idk why I said probably. I just meant that when this feeling starts, thats what happens. Like „as we speak“ kinda thing. Sorry I suck at explaining.
Gonna edit my comment.