I snored that disrupted my wife at night. I got sleep tested and found out I had Sleep Apnea. A quiet CPAP machine solved my snoring and helped both of us get some rest.
Not the sexiest thing to wear in bed tho.
Reddit transplant. Formerly mr-blister-fister. A depressed and distressed dad from the Toronto area. Handy with the Photoshop and other creative tools. Mental health advocate.
I snored that disrupted my wife at night. I got sleep tested and found out I had Sleep Apnea. A quiet CPAP machine solved my snoring and helped both of us get some rest.
Not the sexiest thing to wear in bed tho.
I’m originally from the UK but moved to Canada when little.
Fall is my favorite season. I LOVE cold, dark, rainy days. My entire body just feels relaxed.
Summers here are getting hotter and hotter, with long stretches of 30c where you can’t do anything.
Winters here are either painfully freezing with face-cracking winds or giant dumpings of snow that make getting around impossible
Fall is a nice blend of cooler temps, a little rain, a little darkness, a fresh start with kids gone back to school, just generally pleasant as long as you don’t have to clean up too many fallen leaves :)
I’ve noticed ‘the algorithm’ pushing Russian content through Instagram and Facebook reels. Seemingly unrelated to what I usually browse.
This is the answer I’m here for! Fellow distinguished gentle-sir