Staying wealthy is hard because you need to be able to manage money you have. As we can see in the world, quite a small percentage of people can do that. And there are plenty people who earn above average but still can afford under average. Yes, staying wealthy is easy when you know how, but seems that very few do. Also, you need to constantly being on the verge of survival not to be able to save/invest some money and let it compound and get to a decent amount at some point in the future.
Inheritance in wrong hands is just pocket money that will be spent in short time.
I am not from the country that is based on hardcore individualism. People want to build up something they can pass onto their children to have it better in life than their parents.
It’s not illegal. Your money is your money. If you go, you take it with you. If you don’t spend money, there is nothing to tax.
I don’t think that is right. You can’t say it’s illegal for parents to provide for the children.