pointing out his lies and failures to people who may have voted for him to erode his support
What evidence do you have that this works? If anything, the last decade has demonstrably proved that this idea is false.
You can appeal to facts and logic until the cows come home, but you’re not going to make a dent in his approval rating or quell fascism. This is pure liberalism: the idea that the marketplace of ideas is what ultimately turns the wheel of history - the idea that with an epic enough slam, with enough scathing blasts, with enough late night talk show hit pieces, with enough appeals to facts and logic, you can convince a fascist to reason themselves out of being fascist. Although that might work once in a blue moon, it’s not how you systematically stop fascism. Fascism thrives when material conditions for working-class people start to deteriorate, so the only way to stamp it out is either to kill the fascists or make material changes to the daily lives of working people. The dems have shown zero interest in doing either. It is pretty scary to me that your idea of “fighting injustice” ultimately just boils down to virtue signaling online about how you’re so much smarter than the fascists who fail to see (or simply dont care) about Trump’s hypocrisy. Liberals are getting mighty jumpy since the only recourse they have included in their poltical framework is linking politifacts on Facebook and hoping fascism magically dies.
You didn’t really address any of my points… you’ve just stuck your fingers in your ears and are clinging to blind faith that the liberal order is working exactly and expected, and some higher being is going to swoop down from the clouds and magically steer us out of this fascist debacle… good luck with that. Since you’re not serious anymore, I’ll leave you a quote from Hitler.