Yep, had my 1st measles shot in the mid-60s, a booster in '74, and now this year found (via a blood test) that my immunity had waned to a point that another shot was needed. Got it. Five stars, no pain, highly recommended.
Yep, had my 1st measles shot in the mid-60s, a booster in '74, and now this year found (via a blood test) that my immunity had waned to a point that another shot was needed. Got it. Five stars, no pain, highly recommended.
How well would US Xian nationalists (Christofascists) get along with the CoE? Is the latter, like the former, actively attempting to acquire absolute power over social matters in their country? Would the two be of like minds w/respect to doctrine?
Slightly related perhaps, at least if you’re an HBS grad.
Portion of job-seeking Harvard Business School students who were unemployed three months after graduation
- in 2022 : 1/10
- In 2024 : 1/4
From Harper’s Index 4/2025
Streisand effect time. I would never known about the book if not for this bit of news, but now I see that my library has it in their catalog though it’s not yet available. Hold placed.
I had the Covid shots too. They all had powerful side-effects. My whole life, I’ve never been able to catch measles. I didn’t get sick from Covid. I probably won’t die from measles now either. That’s right, they took away muh Freedumb!