Probably not it, but what DE/WM are you using? I had a very similar issue on KDE, but it would go away if I switched DEs.
Probably not it, but what DE/WM are you using? I had a very similar issue on KDE, but it would go away if I switched DEs.
I wasn’t sure from the title if it was “Nearly half of U.S. adults believe LLMs are smarter than [the US adults] are.” or “Nearly half of U.S. adults believe LLMs are smarter than [the LLMs actually] are.” It’s the former, although you could probably argue the latter is true too.
Either way, I’m not surprised that people rate LLMs intelligence highly. They obviously have limited scope in what they can do, and hallucinating false info is a serious issue, but you can ask them a lot of questions that your typical person couldn’t answer and get a decent answer. I feel like they’re generally good at meeting what people’s expectations are of a “smart person”, even if they have major shortcomings in other areas.
The people doing the revival have been working to keep the original pebbles working for years now. I think they’re really passionate about the watch, and that gives me hope for the revival.
It still might be worth trying another DE/WM for a bit to see if the issue is KDE exclusive. It might help you narrow down the cause.