“What’s that noise? Where did all these chickens come from…?!?”
“What’s that noise? Where did all these chickens come from…?!?”
I’m pretty sure ol’ Bertolt here was describing my extended family.
Eye/hand coordination. Pattern recognition. Problem solving. Task prioritization. Cost/benefit analysis. Inventory management. I could probably think of others if i put effort into it.
The sign says “No shoes, no shirt, no service.”
You guys gotta wear these. Hands out flip flops. There, all good now.
I’d wager that if you want to improve your relations with your neighbors, perhaps setting their tool sheds on fire and killing their pets over and over and over and over and over and over while screaming the whole time “I’M DEFENDING MYSELF” isn’t the best course. But hey, I’m not a diplomat.
I know so little about Myanmar, that I was fully expecting a John Oliver gotcha of “you’re so unfamiliar with Myanmar, that you didn’t even notice that’s not Myanmar on the map! That’s Bangladesh!” or something along those lines.
Do you realize that Gaza has been completely flattened under Kamala Harris?
I think you’ve got your flashcards mixed up, comrade. You meant “Genocide Joe.”
Words are hard, especially English with all the “yours” and “theres” but keep trying!
Best way I’ve ever heard it described was that before the Internet, every village had it’s idiot… “Hatians are eating pets? What? Oh, you were talking to Jerry.”
Now, all the village idiots have glommed into each other and retweet the insanity back and forth until it takes on a life of it’s own. “Buttery males!” and “adrenochrome extractions happening in basements of pizza places” etc etc etc.
Roberts is a fucking traitor that opened the floodgates for this shit, and now he has buyers remorse?!? That’s what happens when you buy a Tesla. This? This isn’t buyers remorse.
I hope he dies of measles.
So, i guess we’re all waiting for Dorothy to drop in and visit? Seems to be about as likely as any other “ceasefire deal” Pooty had proposed.
🎶 The Barber will give you a haircut🎵
Nothing gets over maga’s heads. They are too quick. They would catch it.
Boil em. Mash em. Stick em inna stew.
Nope. Didn’t see “cool em” anywhere.
When will all the rhetorical questions stop‽
I was being snarky, but do appreciate that you took the time to share the info.
And can someone please explain to me the quantum mechanics at work that give it antigravity properties? If I’m laying on my right side, how does my left nostril fill with cement…?!
In all my days, I’ve never seen a better comment that asked for a “no u.”
Seem? They’re filming this shit for no other reason than cruelty and online clout. It’s kicking people while they’re down. They’re actually worse than the Nazis now.
A) Dig the name.
B) “The turkeys are hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!”