Fuck, there’s enough games that I got addicted to in this thread that I’m scared I’ve got the tism
Fuck, there’s enough games that I got addicted to in this thread that I’m scared I’ve got the tism
Well i guess you probably can’t trust russian technology so they had to get that close didn’t they 🤣 We’ve all seen Russian subs
deleted by creator
I went to the dentist and he was looking at me all surprised and he said, you’re jaw is so primitive, all your wisdom came through without issues.
A few years later I had to have an emergency removal because they decayed too much as I didn’t brush that far back
The nukes have been an existential that since the 50s…
Has Russia even attempted to make a public case for Ukrainians perpetrating genocide at the UN?
Surely it’s treason to launch a new currency not backed by the US government while you are the government
Well, if you’re a wizzard, then you probably can’t spell (that’s the joke)