Another weird af hypocrisy where MA didn’t want stun guns to count but assult rifles were A-OK.
It truly is a wonder how America has lasted this long.
Another weird af hypocrisy where MA didn’t want stun guns to count but assult rifles were A-OK.
It truly is a wonder how America has lasted this long.
Don’t see many of those lately. Seems training has been upgraded.
America is weird af. Ban brass knuckles but allow semi-automatic weapons that kill thousands every year.
Weird. As. Fuck.
What if almost all of the names are politicians tho?
So just a reformattted F-32 then?
Maybe. It was shortly before the rut started so that would make sense.
Studies show that having healthy wild carnivores on a landscape can help weed out sick CWD-carrying elk and deer, but states in the northern Rockies have adopted policies aimed at dramatically reducing wolves, bears and mountain lions.
There’s a reason that carnivores and herbivores live in close proximity. Those humans who fail to recognize that will likely succumb to the first human cases of CWD.
On a side note I used to work on a couple of golf courses in northwestern Ontario. We had an infected moose show up early one fall and had to shut the course down because he just kept attacking trees all over the course. Didn’t eat or drink, just fucked around with trees. Scared the shit out of us.
That’s fair, except I didn’t say Americans were scum buckets. I said America was.
Since Reagan it has rolled downhill slow enough that many didn’t notice they were on a trip to hell. Now the world knows.
Their answer would be, “I’m just doing my job”. And I get it, but you gotta draw the line somewhere, right? Like before the ovens start up?
Nope. Just asking who peed in your cornflakes today.
Jfc. America has literally become the scum bucket of the world.
Who peed in your cornflakes today?
A US customs spokesman previously said they could not discuss specific cases but that travellers were treated with “integrity, respect and according to law”.
Bullshit. Too many stories are coming out that prove that’s a lie.
Fuck America and fuck Trump.
Free range vs pasture raised in America
Canada is a bit different in its designations. ‘Free run’ means they’re in the barn and ‘free range’ means they have access outside the barn (weather permitting ofc).
Harper did more damage to Canada than almost any other PM (selling CWB, signing the FIPPA with China, etc). The fact that he’s back here (secretly?) advising PP makes me sick to my stomach.
Step 1 - You’re Luigi
Step 2 - Luigi does his magic
Step 3 - The world breathes a sigh of relief
But a group of 16 international medical experts in pediatrics and neonatology who reviewed the medical evidence concluded that natural causes or bad medical care led to the death or collapse of each newborn, Dr. Shoo Lee, a retired neonatologist from Canada, said last month.
The panel also questioned the premise that there was an unexplained spike in deaths at the hospital. It said evidence of schedules that showed Letby was present during all the deaths was “incomplete, selective and, therefore, meaningless.”
Letby’s convictions are being examined by the Criminal Case Review Commission, which looks at potential miscarriages of justice. It could refer its findings to the Court of Appeal.
What a mess. If Lucy was convicted on weak made-up evidence that hosiptal will pay millions in compensation.
Plus the morons that keep voting them into power.
Nobody voted Schmusk into power.
Most are ok. It’s the spoiled nepo babies who’ve grown into privileged assholes that are the problem.
Seeing as the first tranche listed Trump’s name 7 times, my guess is that’s why this bunch is being combed through.