33 minutes agoHow dare you bring logic into god’s house!
How dare you bring logic into god’s house!
it will be harder for OpenAI to compete with open source
Can we revoke the word open from their name? Please?
Has been since 1991
Same with suburbanites complaining about foxes digging up their gardens or deer trampling their fences.
Your garden and fence were in their habitat, idiot.
But when their outdoor cat that they dump outside because they can’t be bothered to actually take care of it kills a bunch of rare bird species, that’s somehow “nature” and you’re not allowed to call them out on it.
FOSS is not American. Foss belongs to literally everyone.
Huh? From what I can tell Christians are more fixated on hell than ever now. Listen to them talk about gay/trans people, Palestinians, women who get abortions, or literally anyone who isn’t Christian, and it’s clear that they’re really excited about the idea that their god will torture those people for all eternity while they get to watch from heaven. You’ll even get catholics and protestants both thinking they’re the only ones going to heaven and the “wrong” kind of Christian goes to hell because of technicalities like whether you go to confession or not or whether praying to Mary is idolatry. Some outright say that it’s okay to kill gay/trans people, Palestinians, etc, because they’re damned anyway and god doesn’t give a shit about them.