Wouldn’t that mean everyone is centralized on the same instance? I don’t use Mastodon so I don’t know if it’s the same as here…
Wouldn’t that mean everyone is centralized on the same instance? I don’t use Mastodon so I don’t know if it’s the same as here…
Average snowfall of 0.1 inches a year in the state, the northern part of the state gets less than 2 inches on average, the place that gets the most snow is Amarillo at 17 inches a year on average.
Last month we got 31 inches over three days over here, I’ve lived in a city where 200 inches a year is normal.
Texas doesn’t know actual winter driving.
That’s how Gaben manages to own a yacht collection while most of us can barely afford both housing and food!
Mine is a P3 so maybe the newer generation fixed that!
Yep, winter will be the death of 100% self driving cars, we can “filter out” snowflakes easily, computers can’t.
My Volvo (and I mean, if one brand makes cars made for winter, it’s them) ends up turning adaptive cruise control off in snowstorms because the sensors get completely blocked by snow. Elon never had to drive in conditions where the whole front of your car ends up looking like a snowbank and it shows. Hell you might need to stop by the side of the road to clear your lights in order to continue driving! Try to make a South African living in Texas understand that!
And Volvo went from this:
To this:
Which is quite the change…
X and the millennials both had to deal with computers that were computers, it’s the people that grew up in the smart phone/tablet era that have no idea what to do in front of an actual computer…
Just change it for anything your kids are bad at
Fix computers, do renovations, fix cars, clean up…