Edit: Oops - I’m sorry. According to your idiotic theory, my being mean to you means that you’re going to vote for a fascist. Please, Mr. Rational Guy, sir, please don’t vote for Trump in 2028 (assuming we still have elections by then) - I promise I’ll be really really nice to you! Fucking idiot.
Oh Princess, that’s adorable seeing as how you lost two elections to Trump, and baaaaaaarely managed to win one against him.
Face it: You’re a fucking loser, and your way of doing things leads to Democrats losing. We don’t need loser Democrats like you stinking the place up with your loser stench.
Now go knit yourself a cute, pink little pussy hat while crying about how badly you lost this election, tinkerbell.
Great idea! Let’s force the kids to do work against their will. Gen Z boys will definitely vote Democrat then! After all, we all know how younger generations famously love being told what to do!
(Sadly the /s is needed because some people are so out of touch that they’d believe this.)