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Joined 15 days ago
Cake day: March 11th, 2025


  • Edit: Oops - I’m sorry. According to your idiotic theory, my being mean to you means that you’re going to vote for a fascist. Please, Mr. Rational Guy, sir, please don’t vote for Trump in 2028 (assuming we still have elections by then) - I promise I’ll be really really nice to you! Fucking idiot.

    Oh Princess, that’s adorable seeing as how you lost two elections to Trump, and baaaaaaarely managed to win one against him.

    Face it: You’re a fucking loser, and your way of doing things leads to Democrats losing. We don’t need loser Democrats like you stinking the place up with your loser stench.

    Now go knit yourself a cute, pink little pussy hat while crying about how badly you lost this election, tinkerbell.

  • I would love to hear your reasoning

    My reasoning is “Every vote matters”, sweetheart - Still can’t do math, I see? That tracks though, seeing as right now you and other Democrats are fucking losers who couldn’t win an election even if Elon personally rigged it for you. 😂

    I accept your vote, but you will never get my gratitude,

    Fine by me! Ungrateful pieces of shit like you never gave me any gratitude to begin with. You’ve long tried to drive people like me out of the Democratic Party, and I’m glad to hear it pisses you off that I’m sticking around.

    Want me gone? Then start winning elections again and stop being losers, you godless, dickless commie losers. Until then, stay salty. 🧂

  • Look dude, if one ever does admit as such to me in person i will put on my best customer service smile, lie through my goddamn teeth, and pretend they’re not, at best, a fucking dumbass because yeah, any port in a storm and all that.

    Yes. That is correct. That is exactly what you need to do. It’s going to feel like taking a gigantic bite out of a shit sandwich but by god you’re going to do it because we both know there’s too much on the line.

    As far as right now though? Let people vent.

    Fair enough, but you have about nine months to get it out of your system. Get over that shit before the 2026 because the midterms are coming.

  • Ok, first of all, fuck you, you condescending fuck.

    No thanks, pumpkin - You aren’t my type.

    Hey dipshit - you do realize that 10s of millions of people just straight up didn’t vote in the last election, right?

    And they sure as fuck aren’t going to vote in the 2026 Midterms either, cupcake. Those people aren’t interested in voting. Get used to it.

    Stop wasting your breath trying to coddle these fucking traitors. Focus instead on the people who didn’t give enough of a shit to vote against them.

    No, I’m going to spend 2025 focusing on you idiot Democrats to try and help you win the 2026 midterms and I don’t care of you or some other idiot commie college kids on Lemmy or Reddit want my help or my vote, because there’s too damn much on the line. You’re getting my help whether you like it or not.

    And yes, I’m going to tell limp-wristed, easily-offended “men” in the Democratic Party like you some things that might be hard for you to swallow. But you’re going to fucking swallow it, even if I have to shove it down your god damn throat like you’re a dog who doesn’t want to take some life-saving medication. Don’t like it? Tough shit, cry about it after we win the fucking Midterms.

  • And what’s infuriating to me is that people like you don’t understand basic math. See sweetheart, in order to win elections, you need to obtain more votes than the other team. You do understand that concept, right?

    Idiot self-righteous Democrats like yourself have been chasing away voters for decades. It’s time to learn from your mistakes, princess, unless you want another four years of MAGA.

    Then again, maybe you do want another four years of MAGA? For all I know you might be some Russian piece of shit posing as an American and trying to pick fights between Democrat voters… By the way, if you are? I hope you get shipped to the front lines of Ukraine very soon, without a rifle.